Forms and Contact
Registration Form – https://www.laaap.org/2024potpourri/exhibitor-registration/
W-9 – www.laaap.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Signed-W-9.pdf
Julia Vanchiere, Education Coordinator
CME@laaap.org | (225) 379-7923
11017 Perkins Rd. | Suite C | Baton Rouge, LA 70810
Four Points by Sheraton | Alexandria, LA
2301 N. MacArthur Drive Alexandria, Louisiana 71303
Book online at bit.ly/Potpourri-Hotel or scan the QR Code. The conference rate of $129 is available until August 1, 2024.
Packages should be shipped to the Alexandria Convention Center to arrive no sooner than August 13th and be picked up by August 20th. Please reach out to the hotel to let them know of any expected packages.
Due Dates
March 1 – Logos and Ad Copy for Registration Brochure
July 16 – Exhibit Cancellation – $250 cancellation fee after this date
July 19 – Logos and Ad Copy for On-Site Brochure
August 2 – Exhibit/Sponsorship Payment
August 9 – Platinum Sponsor Presentations
“I have attended the LA AAP Potpourri for many years as an exhibitor and sponsor representing Children’s Hospital New Orleans. Each year the conference offers an excellent opportunity to visit with the pediatricians from across the state and to share new and exciting news about providers and services available at Children’s Hospital New Orleans. CHNOLA is happy to partner with the LA AAP as they support the pediatricians with this educational and networking opportunity.” – Gretchen Dondis • Children’s Hospital of New Orleans
“We’re grateful for the chance to sponsor and exhibit at Louisiana AAP Potpourri. Engaging directly with providers is invaluable, and the event consistently offers content that’s both compelling and pertinent to our state and health plan. Investing in this opportunity enables us to collaborate with providers to advance healthcare in Louisiana, making it a highly worthwhile endeavor.” – Evelyn Foster • Supervisor Community Engagement, Louisiana Healthcare Connections