Join us for a unique and interactive event sponsored by the Kellogg Foundation focused on improving breastfeeding rates for women and infants in Louisiana. This double-header event features a morning focused on specific NICUs engaged in the Express Yourself multi-state quality improvement collaborative addressing disparities in the provision of maternal milk to VLBW infants. The afternoon is hosted by The Gift, presenting the Fall Regional Collaborative Meeting. During lunch, please join us for a stellar keynote speaker addressing how QI efforts can shift health disparities for mothers and infants.

Individuals are invited to attend both morning and afternoon sessions. However, morning sessions will be more NICU team-focused. These events are being held jointly to increase breastfeeding quality initiative collaboration.

Attendance options for the event include the Express Yourself NICU team interactive training ONLY, The Gift Regional Collaborative Meeting ONLY, or BOTH.

PLEASE NOTE: To receive credit related to your hospital’s Gift designation, you must attend the Gift RCM in the afternoon.

Please register by COB Thursday, September 12th.

To register and view the agenda, click here.