
AAP Issues Guidance on School Re-entry

AAP Issues Guidance on School Re-entry

June 26, 2020by Trisha Korioth · Staff Writer As schools and states develop plans for students to return to school during the COVID-19 pandemic, the AAP has updated interim guidance to reflect the growing understanding of the virus' impact on children and...

Medicaid/CHIP Provider Relief Fund Payment Forms and Guidance

As we shared earlier this week, HHS has announced a distribution of $15 Billion to eligible Medicaid and CHIP providers. The payment to each provider will be at least 2 percent of reported gross revenue from patient care; the final amount each provider receives...

Don’t Leave Your Child Unattended in a Hot Car

Don’t Leave Your Child Unattended in a Hot Car

Multi-agency Campaign Warning Against the Dangers of Hot Cars Continues Baton Rouge, La. (July 20, 2018) – Yesterday, a child in Texas and one in Connecticut died after overheating in a hot car. These deaths followed similar incidents from earlier in the week where a...

2018 KIDS COUNT Data Book Rankings

2018 KIDS COUNT Data Book Rankings

Data Book shows Louisiana kids have seen progress in teen birth rates and high school graduation rates, but continue to struggle with poverty With 36 percent of Louisiana young children at risk of not being counted in the upcoming 2020 census, federally-funded support...

2018 Lead Abatement Services

2018 Lead Abatement Services

2018 Lead Abatement Services What services are included in the Lead Abatement Program? If you qualify for the Lead Abatement Program, we will send a trained contractor to your home who is certified in lead-based paint removal. Their job is to find the sources of lead...

Availability of Antiviral Medications for Treatment of Influenza

Availability of Antiviral Medications for Treatment of Influenza

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has encouraged Chapters to share the Antiviral Drug Supply page due to reported manufacturer delays in filling antiviral medication orders. According to an article in the March AAP News, 114 influenza-associated...